El diseñador gráfico Jonathan Barnbrook (que trabajó con Bowie desde el 2002) es el encargado de este lyric video póstumo de I can´t give everything away, tema presente en el último álbum de David Bowie, Blackstar, cuyo arte es trabajo del mismo Jonathan.
El video fue dado a conocer por medio de las redes sociales del músico junto con algunas palabras de Barnbrooke:
“We start off in the black and white world of ★, but in the final chorus we move to brilliant colour, I saw it as a celebration of David, to say that despite the adversity we face, the difficult things that happen such as David’s passing, that human beings are naturally positive, they look forward and can take the good from the past and use it as something to help with the present. We are a naturally optimistic species and we celebrate the good that we are given.”